
There are many benefits to homeschooling. One benefit that stands out, is the time you have with your child/ren. There are different methodologies out there to aid you in this journey. When you are new to homeschooling it can be daunting trying to sort out which method is best for your child/ren and you.

Good news,  it’s not necessary to follow one teaching method when home schooling. 

Planet Schooling offers a homeschooling curriculum framework that nurtures independent learning skills and is grounded in inquiry, constructivism and concept-based learning. This is the heart of educating the whole child. With educational influences such as Steiner, Montessori, transdisciplinary and environmental ethics education, we have you covered with educational material to support your sustainable, conscious green journey with your child/ren.


Planet Schooling

Planet Schooling creates a partnership ethic with nature where children are active learners. Learning experiences offered by Planet Schooling embrace quality of life without degrading the local and global environment.

It’s important to know that as responsible educators, our goal is not to indoctrinate the learner no matter what age. We do not want your child’s environmental responsibility to be based on emotional factors and drama. Rather, we are interested in developing individuals who are able to communicate, research and have self-management skills, solve problems and make decisions for their future.Transdisciplinary Education.png