herb spiral

Welcome to Planet Schooling

We are excited to launch our new project, Planet Schooling. Our inspiration, our muse, is the Planet Earth. Once again we have been motivated to offer an educational option for aspiring gardeners who want to create a backyard farm, parents who want to homeschool, educators who want to support kids to ‘unschool’, and people who want to move towards a conscious green lifestyle.

We’ve got you covered

Disturbing research reveals that behind the headline level of awareness far fewer people understand what the term ‘sustainable development’ actually means and even less know how to move towards a sustainable lifestyle. 

Education can provide the missing information needed for change.

Planet Schooling offers an educational thrust that goes beyond “basic” education in its traditional sense.  The curriculum created by Planet Schooling encourages the learner to gain knowledge, attitudes and skills, whilst actively participating in society.  Our action-oriented concept will help you create your conscious green lifestyle whether it’s for you or your loved ones.

What you can expect

With educational influences such as Steiner, Montessori, permaculture, the unschooling methodology and environmental ethics education, we have you covered with educational material to support your conscious green journey with your child/ren, teenagers and friends.

The learning presented through Planet Schooling will be relevant to your surroundings and a transformative process, involving new ways of looking at your physical world. Topics will include Backyard Farming, Homeschooling  and Conscious Green Lifestyle.

Ecocentro IPEC

Our experience began 20 years ago when our family decided to go live in Brazil and create an ecological centre based on permaculture principles. The land that we purchased was cow trodden land with few trees. We started small and created food gardens. From zone one we moved onto the other zones, finally creating a reforestation project. Many volunteers came to help with the project.  You can find more articles about Ecocentro IPEC here. Ecocentro IPEC now demonstrates more than 8500 sq. metres of ecological buildings, composting toilets, biological waste water treatment, ecological gardens, food forests and many replicable technologies developed with the interaction of communities that represent solutions for social transformation.

Laila was only six when she moved to Brazil and her travelling school began. With a journal in her hand, coloured pencils, a binocular and a volume of Harry Potter she started her homeschooling adventure. Laila studied 11 years as a homeschooler and then came back to Australia to move onto University.

During this time Lucy not only supported Laila in her homeschooling adventure she taught children and adults from various countries in an educational program called Ecoversidade. Now with over 20 years of sustainable education under her belt, she understands what works, how to manage it, how to achieve outcomes, and how to evaluate it.

A little more about the team

Lucy Legan (M.Ed) is an educator with over 20 years experience of homeschooling and sustainable education. She cofounded Ecocentro IPECthe largest reference centre of sustainable technologies in Latin America. The centre attracted a living and learning community from Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, USA, Ecuador, Peru, Ethiopia and Australia. 

As an educator Lucy has worked with people of all ages. She is a best-selling author of educational books on sustainability literacy, public speaker, and long- time ecologist, She is passionate about encouraging children, educators and individuals to take environmental actions that will make a difference. 

Her garden creations, also known as White Rabbit Gardens, can be found in the USA, Brazil, Portugal and Australia. There is an immeasurable amount fantasy, curiosity, and desire of manifestation embraced and reinforced by each and every garden that she creates. See more photos on White Rabbit Gardens instagram.

Laila Helena started her environmental education early. As the daughter of Lucy Legan and Andre Soares, she was exposed to a life of movement and different biomes early in life. As a child she was homeschooled which she always referred to as planet schooling. By the age of 10 years she had travelled the globe  multiple times. Her valuable experiences of homeschooling helped develop a board game and activities for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) project to save the National Park called Montanhas do Tumucumaque.

By the time she was seventeen, Laila not only understood basic school curriclums, she knew how to make an ecological dwelling (superadobe and cob house), grow her own food and make her own herbal remedies.

In 2008 Laila was selected to represent Brazil at the Youth Summit for Environment meeting in Kobe, Japan where she fiercely argued in favour of creating sustainable lifestyles for children of the world.

Laila is currently concluding a Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy. She is a  mumtrepreneur juggling motherhood and an organic business whilst practicing down to earth parenting, encouraging children to have empathy and care for the land. She teaches workshops on natural beauty, backyard farming and herbal alchemy, with an emphasis on waste free living.

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